
Monday, November 28, 2011

A Week In My Life! (Monday)

Here is a daily review of what a week of teaching looks like for me. 
And this week starts Christmas! YAY!!

The children arrive. We greet the bus!

Next is the welcome session. Here the students receive their books, meet the teachers and learn the guidelines for the camp.

The students start with their Chinese classes! We play with the children  during their 10 minute breaks!
In the library, the children can learn music, read books, play cards, build with blocks, and play puzzles or board games. That is just a little of what happens in this special room!

In the hallway, the students learn new games, like jacks, and hand games. They also play lots of favorites like, running games, toss games and such!
But the students favorite activities is anything with the teachers! Sometimes we just hang out and laugh because neither one of us can understand the other!

The last class before dinner is their first English class. It is evaluations to see where the students are and where our teaching level needs to be! It is their first introduction, for some of them to a foreigner! Sometimes we feel like monkeys in a zoo the way the students stare and watch! Great Fun!!

Simple English work is given, but much help is still needed because this is a new language to them. 
I fell just like them as I am learning Chinese!

More to come! I promise!
The goal is to have each day of my week laid out for you. This gives you a greater perspective of what I am doing and how to pray!